Sunday, October 19, 2014

Global Read Aloud Week 2!

This week, Harrison School participated in the second week of the Global Read Aloud Program! The Peter H. Reynolds book that we read was I'm Here.
I'm Here is about a boy who presumably has autism and who doesn't like the loud recess noise. While sitting off to the side by himself, he makes a paper airplane and sends it flying. A girl finds the airplane and returns it to him with a smile. Could he have found a new friend? To go along with this book, I started a Google presentation to share with other schools. Each school added a slide describing ways that students can make sure everyone feels included at school. Here is the finished presentation that our third grade students helped with:

A paper airplane plays a big part in the book I'm Here. Our second grade students wrote things they can say to help someone else feel included on sheets of paper. Some of their ideas were: "Do you want to play with me?", "Let's go play somewhere quiet" and "Do you want to be my friend?". They then turned their papers into paper airplanes. Mr. Balcom, a technology coordinator from another school, is putting together a video with students across the world throwing their paper airplanes to other students in other schools around the world. I will show the finished video when it is finished. Harrison students had so much fun participating!!

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